Hand Hygiene is the best defense against germs!

It’s hard to imagine that a keyboard is far more germ infested than a public toilet. The door handles and faucet handles are just as bad. Germs can easily become eliminated simply by effective hand hygiene. There are several types of alcohol based hand sanitizer that more and more people use regularly. Dispensers of this germ eliminating solution can be found in many public areas such as malls, airports, restaurants, etc. Unfortunately, this alcohol hand rub doesn’t kill all harmful bacteria and good old fashioned soap and water is necessary for some situations. The habit of cleaning your hands has been proven in preventing the spread of infection and illness. The most important times to clean your hands are before eating, after using the restroom, after touching public surfaces, after touching body fluids (saliva, snot, sweat), and of course when visibly soiled. It is important to wash your hands with soap and water before eating because there are spores that live on surfaces for several months that are not affected by alcohol based hand sanitizer. Clostridium difficile is a spore that can be ingested from dirty hands and cause an infectious bloody diarrhea. Virus and other bacteria can be spread and transmitted to others from shaking hands with another person or touching a surface that will expose someone else to the germ you were carrying. Germs are invisible so it takes a conscious effort for us to remember to clean our hands often.

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